Always on the Move Chinese Drama Review and Ending Explained

“Always on the Move” is a Chinese drama that pays attention to detail and realistic storytelling with the feel of a typical crime drama. See the full Always on the Move Chinese drama review below!


Drama Details

Title: Always on the Move (南来北往)
Episodes: 39
Release Date: February 6, 2024
Genres: Romance, Drama, Family
Country: China
Original Network: CCTV, iQiyi
Available On: iQiyi

Synopsis and Plot Summary

In the late 1970s, aboard the steam train chugging from Ningyang to Hacheng, a diligent young conductor named Wang Xin hustled through the bustling crowd of passengers. Little did he know that his encounter with the seasoned railway policeman, Ma Kui, would mark the beginning of an unexpected bond.

At first, Wang Xin mistook Ma Kui for a fugitive, but as they spent more time together, an unlikely mentor-disciple relationship blossomed. Despite their initial differences, their journey together on the railway brought them closer, forging a bond built on mutual respect.

Side by side, Wang Xin and Ma Kui tackled various challenges on the front lines of railway public security. From addressing theft and abduction to enforcing drug laws and patrolling, they always put the safety of passengers first.

Their dedication to safeguarding the trains traveling between the north and south was unwavering, their efforts selflessly ensuring the security of all onboard.

As time passed, Wang Xin and Ma Kui became symbols of dedication and service, passing on their knowledge to future generations of railway police.

They witnessed the evolution of China’s railways, from the era of steam locomotives to electric trains and high-speed rail, all while experiencing the rapid transformations taking place across the country.


Always on the Move Chinese Drama Ending Explained

Always on the Move Chinese drama has a happy ending. At the end of the period “Always on the Move,” a surprising truth is revealed. Jia Jinlong, who maintained a close rapport with Ma Kui and Wang Xin throughout the series, is unmasked as both a murderer and a member of a clandestine drug smuggling ring.

This revelation not only rattles Ma Kui and Wang Xin to their core but also leaves audiences stunned. Reflecting on the unfolding drama, Jia Jinlong’s presence was always shrouded in mystery and suspicion.

Initially appearing as a seemingly ordinary passenger, he quickly ingratiated himself with Ma Kui and Wang Xin, expressing gratitude for their assistance on the train. However, as the story progresses, Jia Jinlong’s actions and words begin to raise eyebrows among viewers.

His deliberate efforts to connect with the railway employees, even after forming a relationship with Yao Yuling, hint at an underlying agenda.

As Jia Jinlong observes Ma Kui and Wang Xin investigating cases in plain clothes, he becomes increasingly aware that their roles are more than meets the eye.

Seemingly drawn to them, he endeavors to extract information about ongoing investigations. Meanwhile, Ma Kui senses that Jia Jinlong, who frequently crosses their paths, may be linked to the recent spate of crimes.

The revelation of Jia Jinlong’s true identity is not happenstance but rather the culmination of mounting suspicions. From his evasive demeanor in front of Yao Yuling to eyewitness accounts describing a figure matching his description at the scenes of tense incidents in Harbin, to a fleeting glimpse of a man disguised as a woman engaging with a notorious gangster in a recent trailer, doubts surrounding Jia Jinlong’s identity intensify.

Though the camera does not directly capture his face, his distinctive physique, height, facial features, and subtle movements leave little doubt among viewers that he is the prime suspect.

Moreover, Jia Jinlong’s peculiar behavior in his relationship with Yao Yuling raises further questions. Despite receiving numerous letters from her, he never responds, leading many to wonder if he truly lacks the time or if there are darker motives at play.

Ultimately, through astute detective work and careful observation, Wang Xin manages to thwart Jia Jinlong’s sinister plans, rescuing Yao Yuling and apprehending him.

Following interrogation, Jia Jinlong confesses to his crimes and implicates his accomplices within the drug cartel, enabling Ma Kui and Wang Xin to dismantle the entire operation.

The revelation of Jia Jinlong’s true identity leaves both Ma Kui, Wang Xin, and audiences alike reeling from the shocking truth that lay hidden beneath the surface.

Always on the Move Chinese Drama Review

In the early days of China’s reform and opening-up, “Always on the Move” weaves together thrilling criminal investigation stories of police apprehending suspects with the daily hustle and bustle of life within the railway complex.

This blend is infused with the humor and excitement of the Northeastern dialect, offering a glimpse into the relationships among ordinary people both on and off the train, evoking warm nostalgia for days gone by.

This series takes us back to a time when everything was in flux, with the introduction of order and renewal coinciding with the dawn of reform and opening up.

The character of Ma Kui, a former policeman wrongly imprisoned for a decade, echoes themes seen in classic films like “Passengers in Handcuffs” (1980), where the unjustly accused face hardships with resilience.

As Ma Kui and his student Wang Xin journey aboard steam locomotives, the sights and sounds of their environment come alive, transporting viewers to an era filled with bustling platforms, simple dwellings, and communal gatherings around black-and-white TVs.

Through the lens of the railway complex, we witness a tapestry of human experiences unfold. From a blind man’s quest to find his missing daughter to the turmoil caused by a stolen keepsake, each passenger’s story reflects a different facet of humanity. As Ma Kui and Wang Xin navigate their roles as police officers, they not only apprehend suspects with precision but also extend kindness and assistance to fellow travelers in need, embodying the compassionate spirit of public service.

Amidst the backdrop of a murder investigation and the pursuit of drug traffickers, the series maintains a sense of urgency and suspense, underscored by the sacrifices made by the dedicated police officers. Yet, amidst the drama, moments of everyday life shine through, depicting the warmth of community bonds and the complexities of human relationships.

The portrayal of love, rivalry, and redemption within the railway complex is both heartfelt and authentic, capturing the essence of human emotion with subtlety and nuance.

Whether it’s the bittersweet romance between Wang Xin and Ma Yan or the comedic antics of Niu Dali in his pursuit of Yao Yuling, each character’s journey is imbued with depth and resonance.

In its meticulous attention to detail and nuanced storytelling, “Always on the Move” transcends the conventions of a typical crime drama, offering viewers a rich tapestry of human experiences that resonates long after the final credits roll.


Always on the Move Chinese Drama Cast

Main Role

Bai Jing Ting as Wang Xin

Ding Yong Dai as Ma Kui

Gina Jin as Ma Yan

Zuo Xiao Qing as Doctor Shen

Liu Jun as Wang Yong Ge

Jiang Yan as Yao Yu Ling

Liu Guan Lin as Niu Da Li

Support Role

Hu Ke as Wang Su Fang

Ni Da Hong as Old Xia Zi

Li Nai Wen as Jia Jin Long

Tang Xu as Lu Hong Xing

Cao Lu as Xiao Hu

Ren Zheng Bin as Cai Da Nian

Zhang Rui Han as Wu Chang Gui

Yang Kun as [Old Cai’s wife]

Cui Yi as [Old Wu’s wife]

Song Jia Teng as Cai Xiao Niu

Gong Xiao Xuan as [Old Lu’s wife]

Xia Ming Hao as Hou San Jin

Lu Si Yu as Lin Jian Jun

And More


My Verdict

Overall, “Always on the Move” is a Chinese drama that pays attention to detail and conveys a realistic story with the nuances of crime dramas in general. This series offers things that you don’t find in other shows. I recommend this for you to watch, it’s worth it. My rating for the Always on the Move Chinese drama review is 8,7/10.

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